Greater Hartford Alliance of Black Social Workers

Greetings on behalf of the Membership Committee! GHABSW is a locally based non-profit organization designed to carry out the mission of our parent organization, the National Alliance of Black Social Workers. Since 1971, GHABSW has been comprised of dedicated professional individuals and community workers. We provide our skills and resources to help address the needs of the under privileged in the Hartford community. As a member, you too will have the opportunity to be affiliated with one of the largest Black professional organizations in the country, NABSW, and we'll work together to strengthen the black community as a whole.
Joining is easy!
You are not required to be a social worker but must have a desire to serve the community and bring about effective change.
The GHABSW meet every first Wednesday of the month from September to July. We look forward to seeing you.
For more information regarding memberships, please contact our Treasurer Ken Green

What are the benefits?
--Joining forces to strengthen the black community as a whole.
--Networking with individuals who work for various private and state agencies.
--Discounted pricing for State, Regional, National and --International Conferences.
--Student memberships are guided under the umbrella of GHABSW.
--The opportunity to purchase Professional Liability Insurance at a discounted rate.
--Presenter opportunities at the NABSW Annual Conference as well as obtaining Continuing Educational Credits (CEU’s) .